Local engagement is a different take on “B2C” – connecting a brand with community.

It’s so much more than PPC or radio ads. Local engagement means branding floats during the Independence Day parade. It means sponsoring an after school program or underwriting a museum exhibit, finding area customer stories for a newspaper journalist or engaging a blogger who lives downtown.

But we’ve noticed that many brands are missing out on local engagement opportunities because they don’t know what tactics to employ or how to measure local ROI. Each city’s uniqueness makes local-based outreach difficult for national or regional companies to master, especially for online brands without a brick-and-mortar home base.

Local engagement is harder to tackle than the all-city star quarterback. So naturally, we started experimenting with it, and now we’ve learned enough to share.

In The* Local Brand Engagement Webinar, we’ll explain

-What local brand engagement entails.
-How local branding can benefit even a national enterprise business.
-Which strategies work best based on brand goals.

This webinar is for marketers and SEOs who want to share their brand in a particular community. It’s for companies with a regional or national base who want to feel at home in each community they serve.

*pronounced “thee”

Watch here:

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