We’re not supposed to pick favorites, but this may be our most beloved webinar so far. It’s no secret that Garrett loves prospecting in a way that can only be described as “devout and fanatical,” so he couldn’t wait to share his favorite tips during this session.

Below is the recording of the 8/27/15 webinar. Watch the whole thing (highly recommended) or click on one of the sections of our outline below.

1:17 Webinar Goals

  • It’s not just about “do you know the advanced operators”; it’s “can you really use them?”
  • We’re also going to talk about cocitation analysis
  • The opportunity footprint library


We’re proudly ad hoc for each campaign. You’re not going to walk away from this webinar with a precise formula, but you’ll be able to assemble your own process.

“Prospecting is a rich, rich place for a creative person to work.”


5:40 Why Advanced Operators are so important:

  • You can isolate opportunity types.
  • You can search by organization type.
    • You can also use prospecting for finding business opportunities!
  • They help you search topically.

8:32 Advanced Operators are ingredients – we usually use more than 1 at a time

9:11 Why there is such a difference between “on-page” and intitle:, and how it applies in prospecting.

Why is this significant?

Correct intitle: usage saves you bunches of time, and helps you find more specific types of audiences.

12:49 Patterns: why inurl: and intitle: and site: are so powerful.

“When you find word usage patterns on good prospect pages, you’ll be able to find more good pages.”

Learn about Garrett’s prospecting epiphany (thanks @ericward!)

Let’s get into specifics…

18:40 inurl:

(inurl: is the “nerdy” advanced operator)

use: to look for topic & opportunity type footprints that only occur in the url

example: inurl:links.html, file extensions, different keywords

don’t use: for tld exclusions

where to find: in the SERPS, in backlink analysis

16:33 intitle:

(inurl – you’re thinking more like the webmaster

intitle – you’re thinking more about how the webmaster is publishing for their users)

use: to look for topical guidance, less for opportunity type

example: intitle:”outer space”, intitle:”dating”, intitle:”[medical condition]”

don’t: get too over-specific

where to find: in the SERPS, on definite target pages, in the news

34:18 site:

use: to specify organization type – helps you think about types of people you’re looking for

example: site:.gov, site:.us, site:.edu, site:.org

don’t use: for already narrow queries (e.g. – blog prospecting)

where to find: there are only so many TLDs. (Wikipedia has a list!)

38:04 on page

use: primarily for topical guidance, looking for links page indicators
NOTE: “we usually use quotes like this”

example: common resource anchor text —> “nasa.gov”
or proper names of commonly linked entities —> “national aeronautics and space administration”

don’t use: exclusively!

where to find: on definite targets


44:38 Defining cocitation

When we know two or more websites or web pages that we think are related, and we’re looking for pages that link to both/all of them.

46:46 When we use cocitation analysis

use cocitation: if site X is sharing content around “topic A,” and we’ve created “topic A” related content.

51:15 Seed: a website whose backlinks we use to launch a cocitation analysis

53:37 Garrett goes into the WILD, promoting an example resource on outer space

(Watch a Prospecting Master at work)

1:00:47 Your end goal as a prospector

Build out master lists & master patterns to use for opportunity prospecting.

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