
  • April 29, 2015 - Online PR Should Be an Integral Part of SEO

    As Google continues to toughen up its algorithm, search engine optimization experts (SEOs) are rushing to learn online PR skills. That’s because positive media coverage is a strong signal that a site is legitimate and useful – and therefore worthy of top positions in search engine results. Read our survey results here.

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For PR inquiries, contact Ken McGaffin, our Director of PR Services at (315) 642-4248, or email

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Citation Labs In The News

Citation Labs Tools & Link Building Agency Services have been recommended by:

“…Citation Labs [Link Prospector] really shines. Rather than just spitting back a bunch of domains for you to pursue at a broad level, it breaks down authoritative domains into specific prospecting opportunities which are super-relevant to your query/keyword relationship.”


[From SearchFest 2015 Presentation] “Getting Content Out The Door Quickly with Scraping, Outsourcing and Team Work”


“As a link builder, one of the most time-consuming tasks is to find top quality sites that are both relevant and likely to link to you — something that Citation Labs makes far easier than any of the other tools that I’ve come across so far.”


“There are few link builders I respect as much as Garrett French, the founder of Citation Labs.”


“[The Link Prospector] will research and analyze a large amount of data before listing potential link partners. It cuts your search time down considerably.”


“I really recommend [the Link Prospector] for all my fellow linkbuilding specialists out there. It’s a delight to use.”